Sunday, May 4, 2008

What is Health and its importantance

Health can be achieved by following 4 simple prinicples

  • Regular Exercise
  • Proper Rest
  • Positive Attitude
  • Good Nutrition

Regular Exercise
Physical exercise is considered important for maintaining physical fitness including healthy weight and the benefits of regular exercise are many, to name a few: muscle toning, enchanced self-esteem, relaxation, less anxiety.

Proper Rest
Proper rest in simple word is to sleep nicely and peacefully for a minimum of 6-8 hours at night. Insufficient rest can bring many health problems like fatigue, unable to concentrate, irritability, lacklustre skin etc. Without proper sleep the life can be very tiring.

Positive Attitude
A Positive outlook will enchance the body's immune defences. Keep your mind always healthy and stress free.Learn to negotiate the daily problems and challenges of life.Keep yourself motivated and stimulated to improve your attitude.

Good Nutrition
Eating right foods with proper balance will give a high level of energy and a good health for a daily life.Drink more water and add more carbohydrates and proteins with vitamins and minerals in your daily food schedule.