Thursday, July 24, 2008

Weight Maintenance

Weight Maintenance means developing a outline of behavioral routines which can support healthy eating and exercise habits.

Why it is necessary to maintain weight?

It is very important to maintain weight in order to avoid coming back to the original weight and putting your body into health risks.

Loosing and gaining weight multiple times damages your metabolism and puts you on even greater health risks. The best way to avoid cycling and to maintain healthy weight is through activity and healthy eating.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Psychological and social consequences

Disrupted self image:
Overweight people often develop low self esteem inferiority complex leading to complete isolation.

Increase in weight causes a negative psychological state of mind hence, disturbing the emotional well being of a person.

Lack of confidence: Overweight people tend to feel under confident in doing simple tasks

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Health and weight management

Health and weight management is for one who needs to shed extra kilos through a sensible, nationally balanced approach.

Overweight and its health implications

Overweight is not just about looks but it also includes a wide range of medical as well as emotional/psychological problems. Therefore it is essential to understand its effect on health and overall well-being of the person.

Being overweight is certainly a never-ending condition with associated medical risks. Some say that being overweight has more effects on a social, psychological state of an individual, while others feel that severity is more the medical aspect. Either way being overweight is a health risk.

Major risks due to overweight are

Life span gets reduced
Association of weight gain with several diseases and risk factors reduces life span.

Poor Quality of Life
Weight gain leads to feeling of hopelessness and makes a person physically inactive

Medical Consequences
Diabetes: Weight gain lowers glucose tolerances and insulin activity, therby increasing the amount of sugar in blood.

Hyper Tension (High Blood pressure): Weigh gain increase pressure on arteries that can result in damage to heart and kidneys

Heart Problem: Obesity alerts good and bad cholesterol ratio which may be related to the risk of developing heat problems.

Arthritis: The extra weight of the body causes worn down off cartilage and bone in various joints, resulting in unbearable pain and stiffness.

Cancer: Certain cancer’s such as cancer’s of the endometrium, ovary, breasts and cancers of the colon in females and cancer’s of colon and prostrate in men have been associated with excess body weight.